Professional Fitting Service
Plays Blu-ray Discs from Regions A, B & C
Plays DVDs from Regions 1-8
Collection available
Add MultiRegion Blu-ray and DVD capability to your Panasonic Blu-ray player.
The MultiRegion upgrade will provide the following enhancements:
Play Blu-ray discs from Regions A, B & C
Play DVDs from regions 1-8
Your modification will be professionally fitted by our engineers in our workshop. Please ensure the item is suitably well packed to avoid damage in transit. You can arrange your own delivery or we can arrange a collection by our own courier if required. Alternatively you can bring the player to our store by appointment and the modification will be fitted while you wait.
We take great care of your item whilst in our workshop and aim to return the modified player by courier within 48 hours.
The Panasonic MultiRegion Modification Service is available for the following models: